Interior painting is an easy way to dramatically change a room and it’s easy to get great results with the right supplies and techniques. Follow these 6 tips to paint like a pro.

1. Select Your Color Shade

Decide on the best colors for your home and style. Do you want one color for your entire room or different shades for an accent wall? If the new color is significantly lighter than the existing shade, you’ll need to apply a primer coat. Bring home several paint swatches so you can envision the colors on the walls before you commit to a shade.

2. Clean Dirty Surfaces

Paint doesn’t adhere well to dirty walls. Use a soft damp cloth to wipe down the walls. In kitchens, use a degreaser on stubborn stains and to remove any grease and food remnants from the walls.

3. Prepare Your Surface to Paint Like a Pro

Sand off any flaking areas to achieve a smooth and consistent finish. Fix any holes and imperfections in the drywall by scraping away loose debris and then covering the hole or dent with spackle. After it dries completely, use fine-grit sandpaper to smooth the surface before painting

4. Remove Your Switchplates

Unscrew and detach cover plates for outlets and light switches and put all the screws and covers in a small bag. It is faster to disconnect these wall outlets than to tape them, and you’ll have cleaner results.

5. Paint Like a Pro with Drop Cloths

Use canvas or plastic drop cloths and lay them down where you are painting. Protect your floors and any furniture that you are not able to move out of the room.

6. Paint From Top to Bottom

Adopt the top to bottom painting pattern. While raising your roller, some paint is likely to drip along the bottom portion of the wall. Moving your roller up and down and in a “W” shaped motion gives you an even finish and eliminates paint lines.

Following the above tips will help you get the best results when painting your home’s interior.

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