How to Sell Your House

If you are thinking of selling your house, there are many steps along the way. For guidance through the process, start by hiring a real estate agent. Here are a few of the things it’s good to do once you’re ready to sell your house.

Find a Good Agent

Selling a home can be overwhelming, especially if this is the first time you’ve listed a house for sale or you are not familiar with the local market. It’s best to hire a professional to help you along the way. Finding a good agent is the number one step to successfully selling a property. He or she will have the experience and knowledge to effectively market the house and get the best price for your home.

Make a Plan to Sell Your House

Rushing to sell your home won’t benefit you. You’ll likely end up accepting a lower offer and making less money. Be patient and be well-prepared. Planning includes assessing the value of your home with the help of an agent, making repairs before putting it up for sale, and finding the right places to advertise. Give yourself time to order a home inspection so that you better understand the condition of the property. This will help you set a fair asking price.

Make Repairs but Not Unnecessary Upgrades

If your home needs repairs, make them before listing your home. Neglecting even minor fixes will only decrease the value of the property. Address the issues yourself if you’re able. Replace the broken light fixture. Reattach loose handrails on the steps. Repair the dripping kitchen faucet.

This does not mean you need to upgrade or perform major renovations. If the kitchen and bathrooms are generally in good shape, there is no need to completely redo the spaces. When selling your house, unless it’s a very competitive market, leave it up to the new owners to decide if the kitchen needs an update.

Be Ready to Negotiate When You Sell Your House

There are a lot of factors to consider when determining an asking price. You’ll look at what you paid for the property, repairs you’ve made, the current condition of major systems, and other similar properties in the area.

Your buyer will probably order a home inspection and, based on the findings, may choose to negotiate your price. Your real estate agent will assist you through the process. You might decide to make repairs if they are requested by the buyer or you can accept their lower offer instead. What you sell your home for is ultimately up to you.

Before you put your house on the market, hire a professional home inspector who will find issues and concerns with the home. The inspection report will help you decide what repairs need to be made before you put the property on the market and you’ll be better prepared for negotiating with the buyer.

Sevens Property Inspections provides home inspection services, including pre-listing inspections, to New York City. Contact us to schedule an appointment.